The holidays typically bring family and friends together for parties and celebrations. That means greeting people, engaging in face-to-face conversations, hugs, laughter, and sharing memories.

Bad breath, known as halitosis, can be an issue in these moments. You probably have family members or friends who suffer from chronic bad breath. Studies say about one in four Americans struggle with halitosis. Maybe you are among those who find yourself chewing gum or sucking on mints to keep your breath smelling fresh and pleasant.

Beyond normal coffee breath and I-just-ate-garlic breath, other things happening in your mouth can lead to halitosis. Here are a few culprits…

1. Leftovers

Without proper oral hygiene, leftover food particles become lodged between teeth, in the gum tissue surrounding your teeth, and also on the tongue’s surface. When oral bacteria engages these leftovers, the resulting chemical reaction produces an unwelcomed odor.

2. Plaque

A build up of plaque not regularly removed through daily oral hygiene and regular dental visits will generate an unpleasant odor.

3. Tooth Decay

As a tooth decays and bacteria seeps into the inner tooth, E. faecalis, commonly found in the colon, and A. actinomycetemcomitans show up to create an odor only a dental professional can remove.

4. Periodontal Disease

Whether it’s the early stages of gum disease where food particles become trapped in enlarged gum pockets or the later stages where the smell is related to blood and immune cells, halitosis from periodontal disease is a serious issue. If your mouth has a metallic taste or smells like rotten eggs and/or cabbage, please contact the Murray Dental Group for an appointment.

5. Dry Mouth

Saliva regularly rinses the mouth of food particles and prevents the build up of bad bacteria. Too little saliva is a welcome mat for bad breath.

6. Failing Restorations

Bridges, crowns, and any other restorations not properly fitted may trap food particles leading to foul smells.

7. Oral Infections and Disease

Dry sockets from extractions, pericoronitis, peri-implant disease, mouth ulcers, and even oral cancer can lead to chronic breath issues.

Although other health issues also cause halitosis, most cases originate in the mouth. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, we can help. The first step is set up an appointment with the Murray Dental Group to determine the cause so we can help you on the path to better smelling breath.

Happy Holidays from the Murray Dental Group!

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